Join MoreEUBudget4Transport campaign

29 June 2018

The EU is currently discussing the priorities of the next EU budget 2021-2027. This requires unanimous agreement among Member States.

Transport and transport infrastructure are key pillars of the EU Single Market and essential to EU international trade and tourism. Without transport, our life comes to a standstill. No free movement of goods and persons in the EU.

Join the campaign to ensure together the EU invests in a clean, safe, accessible and well-working European transport system which keeps cities moving and connects regions across the EU.

The EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport aims to create a core network of transport connections across borders by 2030.

In the period 2014-2020, CEF Transport invests with a budget of 24 billion in the studies and works of 

  • cross-border infrastructure
  • bottlenecks with cross-border implications
  • innovative infrastructure such as intelligent transport systems, clean energy refueling infrastructure and multimodal innovation.

It is a vital programme to create a border-crossing network of reliable waterways for congestion-free and sustainable navigation between ports, cities and industrial centres.

The EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport allows to invest in building new infrastructure, the construction of cross-border sections and missing links, multimodal connection points, digital solutions, clean transport and the removal of bottlenecks

In 2017, 3 years before its term, the budget for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport has been used. Demand for CEF funds exceeds 2.5 times the available resources. If the CEF Transport budget does not increase in 2021-2027, the completion of the core network is at risk due to insufficient budget.

EU grants are an essential element to support Member States with the investment in costly infrastructure projects including waterway projects. Infrastructure projects of public nature, such as inland waterways, cannot be realised with private money since they do not generate revenue. Instead, they provide a high societal return.

To ensure that the budget envelope of the EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport increases in 2021-2027, we have to act now.

With +40 transport organisations, the “Transport coalition” unites authorities, cities, industries who want to create a clean, safe and well-working European transport system which is accessible to all.

Your support is crucial to make this campaign “More EU budget 4 transport” a success.

Support the campaign by signing the petition.

Follow the campaign on Twitter (@MFF4transport) and via the website

The EU added value of transport investments
1 in 10 Europeans work in the transport sector. Completing the EU core network of transport will create 10 million extra jobs Strong contribution to the realisation of the EU Single Market Smooth mobility Complying with Paris climate targets with investment in low-emission transport options Decreased fossil energy dependency

Join MoreEUBudget4Transport campaign