More EU budget for transport

20 September 2017

Europe needs transport
Imagine a life without transport. It would be impossible to trade and move in and across regions. Transport is the backbone of our internal market and our link to the world.  

1 out of 10 Europeans works in the transport sector 
EU transport creates 20 million jobs. Many more jobs in trade, tourism and regional development are linked to transport. By developing a competitive transport infrastructure, we keep industrial jobs in Europe. 
Investment generates more jobs and growth – completing the core network creates 10 million extra jobs & generates +4.5 trillion GDP growth.

Without investment no high-quality transport, EU economy and society lose
750 billion euro are needed to complete the trans-European networks for transport by 2030. Non-completion of the trans-European networks will cause a loss of 13 million job-years. Congestion and underperforming connections will undermine people’s mobility and industrial productivity.

Towards better, safer and cleaner mobility
Investing in a green, connected and accessible-to-all transport system which is socially sustainable is the only way forward. This should include more investment in low-carbon and congestion-free transport like inland waterways which link up our cities and centres of production. 

A stronger connecting Europe Facility
Increase of the transport budget is a necessity to create full synergies between transport, energy and digitalization at the benefit of our economy and society. Projects are now at risk due to an insufficient budget.

Grants remain a vital ingredient
Financial instruments are a welcome addition for revenue-generating transport projects, so grants can go in the first place to public infrastructure such as inland waterways which are essential to reduce the negative external effects of transport like congestion, CO2 emissions, noise and accidents.

30 transport organisations have united in the CEF transport coalition.
Read the manifesto more EU budget for transport is the best investment plan for Europe! and the presentation Why it is important to make the case for a higher CEF budget.

More EU budget for transport