PLATINA3 – 4th Stage Event
22 April 2022
The PLATINA3 – 4th Stage Event will take place on 7 & 8 June 2022 as an online event hosted by the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) with English as working language.
It will provide a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, learn more about the latest developments and upcoming challenges and contribute to shaping policy of Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe.
You will be able to follow several keynote speeches by IWT specialists from the European Commission, policy makers of different horizons, and the business community, on the following themes:
- Policy and regulatory actions encouraging and facilitating the use of IWT
- Funding and financing the energy transition for the European IWT fleet
- Barriers to infrastructure implementation and proposed solutions
The PLATINA3 4th stage event will be entirely designed as an online interactive event. It will enable valuable and forward-looking exchanges on major items of common interest between experts from the business sector, associations, institutions, international organisations, and other key stakeholders from the IWT community.
The official programme of the sessions is available, and registration for the event is open.