Elbe-Vltava Waterway

The Elbe-Vltava waterway is the most important waterway in the Czech Republic. It is the only waterway link between the Czech Republic and ports in the North Sea and the Baltic, and it is also part of the Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T.

  • Navigability for freight ships: a coherent network that is connected to a foreign network of waterways with length of 315 km – Elbe from the border with Germany to Přelouč, Vltava from Melnik to the Trebenice – Slapy dam. It includes the assessment of a lock in Děčín which aims at improving navigation conditions from the Czech-German border to the end of the Děčín backwater in Děčín – Boletice to a minimal draught of 140 cm for an average of 345 days a year and achieving a 220 cm draught for an average of 180 days a year. The projects also cover restoration of floodplain vegetation without a negative impact on flood passage due to a reduction in the level of flood levels in Děčín.
  • Navigability for personal and leisure boats: In addition to isolated stretches of the river Vltava – from the Slapy dam to Tyn nad Vltavou.

Elbe-Vltava Waterway

From 01 January 2008
to 31 December 2024