Preparing FAIRway 2

Developing the Danube waterway infrastructure in an efficient, sustainable and user-oriented way is the goal of the study Preparing FAIRway 2 works in the Rhine-Danube corridor. It is a joint  project of Austria, Croatia and Serbia, co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and aiming to deliver:

  • Comprehensive collection of navigational and biodiversity data of the Croatian-Serbian common Danube section, to create a basis for joint strategy and for future integrated planning processes in the region through:
    • Monitoring of navigational and environmental characteristics of the common Danube section. The collected data will be used for navigation purposes, leading to modelling activities, and to support the environmental authorities in the definition of the conservation objectives for the River Basin Management Plans in Croatia.
    • 1D hydraulic modelling for the common Danube section and a multi-criteria analysis to define alternative variants for possible works interventions (including “do nothing” option) as well as next steps for future investments.
    • In all above mentioned actions, the established multidisciplinary Stakeholder Forum is involved.
  • Specification of the further development of the transnational waterway monitoring system (WAMOS). The new functionalities (WAMOS 2.0) will enhance the system´s analytical capabilities by including new data, its user friendliness and efficiency of operations for all users.
  • Concept for improved stakeholders` coordination and involvement:
    • Based on the conducted SWOT analysis (strength and weaknesses of stakeholders’ coordination activities within the current CEF funded Actions carried out along the Danube such as FAIRway Danube);
  • Assessment, Requirement Analysis and Documentation of Mooring Places:
    • Studies assessing the needs of commercial shipping sector for upgrading / constructing mooring places along the Danube and the Sava river for Austria, Croatia and Serbia.
    • Fundamental analysis of the mooring place situation in Croatia and Serbia.
    • Detailed planning for selected locations in Austria.

Preparing FAIRway 2

From 01 July 2020
to 31 December 2024