15 partners in 13 countries improve and link up existing digital river information services (RIS) on cross-border corridors. RIS COMEX ensures that RIS evolves from safety management to the facilitation of logistics services to make inland waterways easy-to-use and reliable in multi-modal supply chains. RIS COMEX is coordinated by INE member viadonau.

Project activities

RIS COMEX is organised in 5 Activities:

  • Activity 1 deals with classical project management.
  • Activities 2 and 3 consist of defining, specifying and implementing Corridor RIS Services.
  • Activity 4 will ensure the sustainable operation.
  • Activity 5 deals in parallel with other challenges related to the project objectives.

Project objectives

  • Development of an overall Corridor RIS Management concept (starting from CoRISMa results) in dialogue between RIS providers and logistics users (e.g. shippers, boat masters, vessel and fleet operators, terminal operators) to ensure the relevance of the implemented services.
  • Implementation and permanent operation of selected parts of the overall concept providing increased quality and availability of Fairway-, Traffic- and Transport Information Services
  • Defined and agreed operational arrangements (legal, organisational, financial, technical, quality)
  • Harmonisation of data exchange concepts for RIS data through the cooperative development and specification of RIS enabled Corridor Services
  • Progress on harmonisation of transport information services on European and/or Corridor level based on existing solutions and concepts (e.g. IVS90, imagine, ERI agent, R2D2).
  • Facilitate dialogue between providers of River Information Services and logistics users (e.g. shippers, vessel and fleet operators, terminal operators).
  • Develop harmonized River Information Services for inclusion in the DINA initiative and bring RIS one step further to integration with other transport modes.


From 01 June 2016
to 31 December 2021
