Connecting Europe Days 2024
23 January 2024
The Connecting Europe Days 2024 will take place from 2-5 April 2024 at the SQUARE in Brussels, Belgium, organised by the European Commission together with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
It will bring together politicians, financial institutions, industry representatives, transport stakeholders and the European Commission to discuss concrete measures and exchange good practices on creating a fully decarbonised, resilient, seamless and digital transport and mobility network in Europe. It will take stock of the ambitious goals set out in the EU Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.
The revised trans-European transport network (TEN-T) Regulation, with the launch of 9 new European Transport Corridors and a revamped governance system led by 11 European TEN-T Coordinators, will be a central point of the discussions, as will the future of infrastructure funding and financing under the next Connecting Europe Facility in the EU’s long-term budget as of 2028.
Participants will also address the question of infrastructure climate resilience, EU transport connectivity and its preparedness and resilience against external threats, and will be able to see state-of-the art innovations first-hand at an exhibition of EU-funded projects.
The extensive programme includes several side events, including on inland waterways and waterway transport in which INE are involved:
- on 2 April 2024 “Discover the innovation of inland waterway vessels” hosted at the Port of Brussels and organised by the European Barge Union (EBU), the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP), Inland Navigation Europe (INE), the Inland Waterway Transport Platform (IWT), and the European Commission. The event informs on greening in inland waterway transport, showcasing the latest innovative inland vessels in short, guided visits (attendance is limited).
- on 3 April 2024 “Good Navigation Status and sustainable management of inland waterways” at the Square. Through an exchange of solutions for navigable and climate resilient waterways, we seek to demonstrate that sustainable management, including sustainable dredging, can co-exist with environmental objectives. The outcome of this session will be used as input for the climate resilience plenary session.
Registrations are open and the programme can be consulted here.